Do we need nutritional supplements?

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Vitamine und Co

If I had to answer this question with “yes” or “no,” I would say “yes.”

However, it depends on which nutritional supplements you’re considering, as well as the dosage and the time of year.

First and foremost, I want to talk about vitamin D. These days, there’s a lot of debate about vitamin D, and experts often have opposing opinions about it. In this case, I would go with golden mean and recommend 500 I.U. of vitamin D every other day during the winter months from November to May. Ideally, combine it with calcium and vitamin K.

At this dosage, you’re neither in danger of exceeding the recommended daily allowance nor of having a deficiency (which is due to a lack of UV radiation, which ultimately leads to the formation of vitamin D in the skin).

Vitamin D with calcium promotes strong bones, a resilient immune system—and can improve your mood.

In addition to vitamin D, I recommend a 4-week B vitamin treatment every 2 months. If you’re a vegan, B vitamin treatments are indispensable, especially vitamin B12 (which you should take on a daily basis).

For women, along with B vitamin treatments, taking iron supplements is also a good idea.

For people over age 60, every two months I recommend a 4-week treatment with supplements that promote cartilage formation: 500 mg glucosamine hydrochloride and 400 mg chondroitin sulphate per day. In combination with moderate exercise, this regimen can considerably delay cartilage decay, which in turn helps you avoid (or lesson) arthritis-related pain and reduce the need for a possible operation in the long-term.

As part of this cartilage-building regimen, I also recommend taking 12 mg of vitamin E per day. During periods when you’re not taking vitamin E, make sure your diet is rich in flaxseed, pumpkin, or sunflower oil. You can easily sprinkle these oils over your food, for example.

I also want to mention the importance of taking  selenium, which prevents micro-inflammations and can thus help counteract the development of cancer cells. 50 mg of selenium per day is sufficient.

In summary:

  • Every 2 months for 4 weeks: B vitamin treatment (for women, in combination with iron supplements), plus 50 mg selenium per day
  • From November to May: 500 I.U of vitamin D + calcium and vitamin K every other day
  • For people over 60, every 2 months for 4 weeks: cartilage-building supplements + 12 mg vitamin E per day
  • On days when you exercise, I recommend a sports drink that contains 400 mg of magnesium

What about “designer” supplements that claim to boost your mental faculties? I classify them under the motto, “take them if it helps.”

For  women who happen to be in a menopause mood Menopause; a myth?


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