The Power of Hormones

Hormone-Balance is depends on your lifestyle.

We are full of energy, our mood is great, we are well rested, balanced and can cope with our everyday lives effortlessly. A fantastic scenario that we wish  for the rest of our lives. The score for this is based on good physical condition. Our hormones play the music: Adrenaline, Cortisol, Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins and […]

Spirituality – Humbug or Hope?

With this 5 steps you can bring more spirituality in your life

The term “spirituality” comes from the Latin word “spirit” – and means “spirituality” or “inner life”. In our materialized life there is unfortunately little space for questions of spirituality, at most on days like before Christmas. Nevertheless, it is expressed in different directions of belief: within a religion, a community of interests or in intellectual […]

You are what you look like!

Make your best from your appearance.

Most people think putting a lot of effort into their physical appearance is a superficial thing to do. But is that really the case? If you’re trying to improve your appearance by focusing mainly on things like body shaping, keeping up with the latest fashion trends, and makeup, then I see it as superficial, too. […]