Let there be light!

Biorythmus wird von den Sonnenstunden bestimmt. Du schläfst gut, wenn Du ausreichen draußend bist.
Baden im Sonnenlicht

There’s no living thing on earth, apart from a few animal species that only live underground, that doesn’t somehow depend on the sun.

Nothing has greater power over our planet than the sun. It determines the rhythms of nature, regulating its hibernation and blossoming phases. The warming rays of the sun give us a sense of comfort and well-being. When the sun withdraws, nature longs for it to reappear.

Besides warmth, the sun provides light, which is not only indispensable for the survival of plants and animals, but also for us humans, as part of life on earth. Sunlight determines our waking and sleeping patterns, thereby influencing our sense of well-being.

Through exposure to sunlight on our eyes and skin, we release hormones that keep us active during the day and help us fall asleep at night. Without a sufficient “dose” of sunlight, our hormones grow out of balance and become more susceptible to disruption, ultimately impacting our biological age.

So what’s a sufficient “dose” of sunlight? I don’t think there’s an upper limit here.

Every morning, I try to take a 10-minute walk around the block before breakfast.

If you go to work early in the day, you  automatically get your morning dose of sunlight.

During the day, try to spend as much time outside as possible. Even in winter. Why?

Light and fresh air create the best conditions to improve your biological age!

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